Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White)

Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White) is a best product that alot of people looking for convertible standing desk.A lot of people looking for this Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White) when they need some convertible standing desk,If you have any problem to adjust your monitor or tv,I think This Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White) is can be your best chooice if you are looking for best convertible standing desk.If you having trouble with adjust stand up desk and you want use convertible standing desk you must try to read some review for this Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White).

convertible standing desk

Read about Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White) in description below to know if this Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White) are supposed with you Or not.Or you can find another best product for convertible standing desk if you doesn't like this.We have alot product review for convertible standing desk that you can read in this blog.

Take your home desk to the next level with the Andress from SEI. The primary function of the Andress is to provide the modern-day worker the option to sit or stand during long hours in the study. Easily convert your desk in seconds and choose from 4 adjustable heights for maximum ergonomic comfort. Additionally, the legs adjust to desired height giving you a standing work station with endless possibilities.

The split desktop reveals 2 hidden storage sections perfect for storing power cords, pens, pencils, notepads and more. A felted, removable organizer containing 6 compartments can be found in the smaller storage area as well as 1 cord control opening. Beneath the table top, find a floating shelf waiting to shelve knick knacks.

Visually, this desk features a high gloss white top and chrome legs, shining the spotlight on contemporary chic design. Additionally, the design allows for sturdy support all day. Use with a laptop or 1-2 monitors for best results.

Desktop: 33.75" W x 23.75" D, 13.75" W x 23.75" D (large, small)
Lifting heights: 41"/44"/46.5"/47.5" H
Leg adjustability: 32"/34"/36"/38" H
Storage: 24.5" W x 21.5" D x 2.75" H, 12" W x 21.5" D x 4" H (large w/ lifting mechanism hardware, small)
Organizer compartments: 11.5" W x 13.75" D x 2.25" H, 5.5" W x 2.75" D x 2.25" H, 3.5" W x 2.75" D x 2.25" H (large to small)
Shelf: 11.25" W x 20.75" D x 5.25" H
Chair/leg room: 32.5" W x 21.5" D x 26.25" H
Clearance: 45" W x 21.5" D x 4" H
Footprint: 47" W x 22.75" D
Approx. weight: 89 lb.
Supports up to: 30 lb. (desktop); 30 lb. (storage)
Materials: MDF, melamine, chrome-plated iron tube
Includes anti-tip hardware

  • HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE - Choose from 1 sitting position and 4 different standing positions for ergonomic support and comfort. Start in a sitting position and quickly convert to a standing computer workstation in seconds. Also adjustable are the legs of the desk.
  • HIDDEN STORAGE - Moving to a standing workstation reveals hidden storage beneath the tabletop. Store power cords, pens, pencils, notepads, and more. The smaller storage section features 1 cord control opening and a removable felt organizer w/ 6 compartments.
  • VERSATILE DISPLAYS - Optimally designed for laptop use, but fully capable of hosting 1-2 monitor setups with keyboard and mouse. The smaller desktop measures 13.75" in width x 23.75" deep while the large desktop section measures 33.75" in width x 23.75" deep and fully extends to 47.5" in height.
  • CONTEMPORARY STYLE - Features high gloss white w/ chrome legs for your work or home office. The hidden compartment feature allows for a minimalist look and feel by storing items unseen.
  • ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS - Your desk comes with instructions on assembly and all of the necessary hardware. While sturdy, this lift top desk can be bolted into the wall using included brackets and screws. Supports up to 30lbs. (desktop); 30 lbs. (storage). Tools not included: No.2 Philips Screwdriver, Hammer, Power Drill.

And there is some review about Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White) one of best product for convertible standing desk.Thank you for reading this review about Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White).if you think this Standing Office Desk - Andress Adjustable Sit Stand Desk w/ Adjustable Height (White) suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for convertible standing desk in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for convertible standing desk

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